Tuesday, April 30, 2013


On this day in 1990, the Hubble Telescope was launched. The Hubble has provided us with never before seen photos of deep space. Do you think it’s beneficial to study our universe, as well as other universes? Do you think we may someday discover life on another planet

Add a picture from the Hubble Telescope.

yes we should study the universe.yes we chould find life in a anthor planet

Monday, April 29, 2013

Dinner Party

Suppose you were having a dinner party.  Make a list of what you would serve to eat and drink.  Who would you invite?
i would serve my friends and family.and i would give pasta,chicken filpino food idk how to spell them

Friday, April 26, 2013


Write 5 sentences explaining the project with Mr. Guenza.

What was the project?

What did you study?

What did you learn?
Buddhism holy days. i studied  all kinds of festivals.and what they eat and learn and wear.also i learned that monks and nuns are people and monks are bold.also nuns are women.

Monday, April 22, 2013


Bill Gates sold the first PC today in 1981. (Yes this is a picture on an Apple Computer.)

How have computers changed education?

Friday, April 19, 2013

Jelly Bean

Today is National Jelly Bean Day.

What is your favorite flavor of jellybean?
If you were asked to create a new flavor of jelly bean, what would it be and why?

.my favorite jellybean is starwberry.i whould create iceceram flavor.because i like icecream and it has a amazing flavor.and i like pudding flavor so i whould like to make a jellybean that taste like pudding and i whould like to eat them and blah blah blah blahh blah

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Borrow Money

Would you every borrow money from a friend? Why or why not? 

What are some redsons to borrow money from friends?  

What are some reasons not to borrow money from friends?

i whould because i might need to buy something nope. there are no reasons from me i dont know

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


  • If you could own any animal as a pet, what would it be and why?
  • Do think it’s okay for people to own wild animals as pets?  Why or why not?
  • i whould own a dog because they are fun to play with .no because the animal can go wild

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Use Google to find the answers to the following 10 questions.

  • What is the temperature in Fresno, CA?
  • What latitude and longitude is CapeTown?
  • What time is it right now in Bejing, China?
  • What is the population of Brewer, ME?
  • What is the German word for "enter"?
  • How much money is 100 EUROS?
  • What is the capital of Switzerland?
  • What three languages do they speak in Belgium?
  • How old is Queen Elizabeth?
  • What day will Easter be in 2014?
the temputre  of fresno 72 f
2   33.9767° S, 18.4244° E
130.13 us dollars
Dutch german and french.
she is 86 years old 
sunday april 20

Monday, April 15, 2013


Today, in 1828, Noah Webster published the first dictionary.  It was called Webster's Dictionary.  Every year, a few new words get added.  For example, "webinar"- a class that is taught on the internet, was added in 2004.

Make a list of 3-5 appropriate words to add to the dictionary.  Use each of the words in a good sentence.


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day of Silence

What do you know about the Day of Silence?
day of silence means respect for the  blgt people that commited suicide and who where bullied.also  we stay quiet so we can respect them .

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Civil Rights Act

On this day in 1968, President Johnson  signed the Civil Rights Act. This act  protected the rights of people, including African-Americans and women. 

Why do you think it’s important for all people to be treated equally?

i think every single person should be treated equally because they are all humans too and theres nothing wrong with our rais.so judje anyone u got that mr.oh 


Monday, April 8, 2013

National Sibling Day

How many brothers and sisters do you have? What are their names? How old are they?

What are 4 things you like doing with them?

What are 4 things you don't like doing with them?

i have 2 sister.their name is Gianna and Gessle. Gianna is 22 years old Gessle is 8 years old .i like cooking reding playing acting crazy with Gessle cause Gianna is in new york in collage .i dont like eating with her.or sharing with her and  thats all .

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Cell Phones

Do you think cell phones should be allowed in school ?  Why?  Give three good reasons.

yes cell phones should be allowed in school.because if u have an emergency u can call 911 or ur parent.lastly it can help u on stuff i dont know

Monday, April 1, 2013

Zhou Dynasty

Write 5 sentences describing what you see. i see  sulpures that are people. i see sculpures of animals .i see  religous thing .and  vases of  artifacts. i think its boring. i dont like the images